Environmental Site Remediation Project Profile
Brownfield Clean-up of two properties on Buffalo’s west side
The owners of two former industrial sites in Buffalo New York entered into a Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP) Agreement with the NYSDEC under the Voluntary section of the “Brownfield Cleanup Program Act” for two properties on Buffalo’s west side. BE3Corp (BE3) was hired by the property owners to manage the project from initial BCP application through investigation, remediation and Certificate of Completion. BE3’s ability to provide comprehensive environmental site remediation services was important to the property owners for continuity and quality assurance throughout the project schedule.
Project manager on the site, BE3’s Jason Brydges, PE needed to address a number of challenges. The first property is approximately 1.86–acres and contains an 114,731 square foot building with one to three stories. The existing building complex was initially constructed in the early 1900’s and operated as Fedder Manufacturing Company
The second property is a vacant railroad. Both sites have a long historic highly industrial area dating back to the early 1800’s. The Fedder facility manufactured various items including air conditioners and radiators, as well as heat-transfer equipment.
During the RI/AAR stage, the contaminants of concern were chlorinated solvents in soil and groundwater and petroleum impacts, metals and PAHs in soils. BE3 project plan incorporated both innovate site investigative and remedial technologies and techniques to complete this multi-year brownfield clean-up on schedule. The techniques included completing a series of borings through a floor and crawl space into the subsurface below and injections of a preparatory mixture of material to breakdown chlorinated solvent contaminations in soil and groundwater impacting the adjacent creek. Three area specific subsurface vapor systems were designed to prevent the possibility of chemical or petroleum vapors entry into the structure. Work continued through fall and winter 2020 resulting in on-time completion of important phases of the re-development project. Additionally, BE3 developed remedial alternatives to address the chlorinated solvents in the groundwater adjacent to a creek and the metals and PAHs in site soils.
BE3 worked through winter months to expedite the redevelopment schedule utilizing cost-effective, innovative injection technologies and subsurface vapor systems for site cleanup.
Significant site work completed includes:
- Phase I & II ESA
- BCP Application
- RI Workplan
- Remedial Investigation
- Vapor Intrusion Assessment & Design
- Remedial Alternative Analysis
- Remedial Action Work Plan
- Remedial Oversight
- Air Monitoring
- Final Engineering Report
- Site Management Plan
- Obtained Certificate of Completion
- Ongoing Construction Oversight

Brownfield Cleanup site in final stages of remediation